Expand your self-knowledge, optimize your performance, and take a dive deep into the unconscious workings of your mind…

Not sure where to start? I’ve highlighted a few top posts in each category for you below. Or, you may browse the entire collection as a full list or by category via the green buttons:


The Psychology of Secrecy

Secrecy is the thug that does the dirty work for shame. Where we have secrets, there is always shame. They are partners in crime.

The Most Radical Social Psychology Experiment Ever Concocted (And Why It’s Relevant Now)

Far and away, humans were the most unpredictable factor in the ever-changing dynamics inside the Biosphere 2.

New Tricks for Old Dogs: The Power of Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity

You can participate in changing how your brain functions. You can change even something as elusive as your mind. You are going to have to do the work. 


Struggle: The Remedy is in the Wrestle

Where do you struggle most? How do you orbit around this injury, this soft spot?

Vision Quest: The Audacity of Great Leadership

It’s in this arena where psychological flexibility and that appetite for uncertainty really start to matter.

In the Tunnel: The Solitude of Excellence

This article explores the role of psychology and mindset in peak performance with an emphasis on the role of practice, grit and intrinsic motivation in the overall arch of excellence.


The 5 Secret Ingredients That Influence All High Performers

This is not complex and it is not easy. How you do one thing is how you do all things. Observe how you do things.

The One Thing You Can Do Tonight to Feel Better Tomorrow

A deep dive into the role adequate sleep plays in your quest for emotional and psychological wellness.

A Shrink’s Guide to Psychological Flexibility: My First Five Principles

My hope is that this list will serve as a guide for you to approach your own process of radical self-awareness.


Being a Patient: Lessons From the Other Side of the Couch

Before I was a shrink, I was on the other side of the couch. Here’s what that taught me…

What to Do When You’re Scared Shitless

It was the first time I consciously realized that I couldn’t wait until I wasn’t scared. I was going to have to do this one afraid and terrified.

How to Inoculate Yourself Against the Fear of Rejection

This essay explores why exposing or inoculating yourself against the very things you are most afraid of is the first step towards change and growth.

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