For the people I partner with, “success” doesn’t actually insulate them from reality, their feelings, or their problems. Their emotional world doesn’t suddenly get easier once they have money, success, safety, or power. In fact, all these factors amplify the intensity of their feelings.

The psychological cost of success is enormous on the human psyche. No one escapes without consequences.

As a licensed psychologist and certified executive leadership coach, I work with individuals striving to achieve the highest levels of performance. My clients are CEOs, executives, professional athletes, coaches, and other like-minded people shooting for moonshot dreams.
Our turf is the space between your ears. Our obsession is how your psychology impacts your role as a leader, a partner, and a person. How you do one thing, is how you do all things. And nowhere is this more true than when it comes to your psychology.
I view my partnership with my clients much the way Jane Goodall saw her role inside the primate world– one guided by genuine observation, deep curiosity, and a relentless commitment to wonder.
My private practice is an incubator and a human laboratory – it’s a living, breathing experiment.
Each person is an N of 1, from which we will become (mutually) obsessed with that unique ecosystem.
If you’re looking to truly change the way you view growth, risk, collaboration, and performance, I’d love to help.

Hire Me as a Therapist or Coach

Nowadays, my new clients arrive with a good deal of information on the topics of peak performance and optimal psychology. They are well read, they listen to all the right podcasts, and they “follow” all the sentinel leaders in this increasingly popular field. And yet, progress still eludes them.
If you, too, are feeling like something is getting in the way of a more linear progression line for you, or if you are struggling to change behavior that you know isn’t serving you, we may be a good fit for collaboration.
Together, we can determine whether therapy or coaching would be the best fit for you. Contact me to set up a consultation.
For individual therapy, you must be located in the state of Massachusetts. My coaching services are available internationally.

You may click on the applicable forms below to download and print. Kindly complete and submit them before your first appointment.

Forms for New Patients of Dr. Sarah Sarkis

We cannot meet without these forms completed prior to your first session.

Questions? You can reach me directly via email.