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Part Shrink

Part Performance Consultant

Part Jedi of the Unconscious

For Organizations

For Organizations

For Individuals

For Individuals


Dr. Sarah Sarkis

I’m a licensed psychologist by training, and a certified executive leadership coach by practice. I also moonlight as a writer and a podcaster.
In my private practice, I collaborate with individuals, teams, and corporations with moonshot dreams on the psychological game of greatness. My integrated approach is big on science, low on bullshit.
Here's what's certain - Success is always intentional. It's a daily practice. It's relentless and unrelenting.

And, it's an inside job.

The space between your ears is where the battle is won and lost.
Here's what's certain - Success is always intentional. It's a daily practice. It's relentless and unrelenting.

And, it's an inside job.

The space between your ears is where the battle is won and lost.

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