Greetings from Boston. This is likely my last blog post of 2020, and I wanted to take a minute and express my appreciation that you all have signed up for my newsletter. The fact that I can write and people will actually read it makes the process all the more rewarding. For years, I only wrote these blogs mostly for myself and a small handful of people I basically forced to join my mailing list (thanks Amy, Rachel, and Mike).

And where to start with 2020 as a year in review, right?

It has kicked most of our asses.

But underneath the ass kicking, 2020 has also softened us, brought us together, and curated new and important boundaries around our lifestyle choices.

Here are the top five takeaways I’ve had from 2020. I’ve linked blog articles that dive deeper into the topics in case you want a solid rabbit hole to go down.


1) When all else fails, return to your first principles.

When shit gets rough, and it will get rough, go back to the basics. Read more about it here:

A Shrink’s Guide to Psychological Flexibility: My First Five Principles


2) Uncertainty is the only constant, shared purpose is the ultimate motivator, and the whole is greater than the parts.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it is the necessity of building psychological flexibility and tolerance for emotional discomfort. These skills underly the concept of resiliency and grit. It’s kind of everything when the balance sheet is stripped to zero. And, remember, the balance sheet will be stripped to zero at some point. No one can avoid the great equalizer of uncertainty.

Read more about this aspect of your individual, family, and team development here:

The Most Radical Social Psychology Experiment Ever Concocted (And Why It’s Relevant Now)


3) Boundaries are everything.

In 2020, we had a collective opportunity to learn the power of a well-placed boundary, as we redesigned our work/personal life boundaries. Our homes became schools and offices for the first time. Boundaries were changed and continued shifting all year long.

And with this, we had to learned how to prioritize (time, space, resources, etc.) and rejigger our boundaries. Out with the old, and in with the new. We let go of our over-scheduled and over-committed calendars. We had to say No to a lot of stuff we would have said yes to in the past.

Turns out, this is a critical developmental skill that will change your life.

Read more about it here:

The Buck Stops Here: The Power of No


4) Fear is our friend.

It’s our greatest evolutionary ally. The ability to use it as a steer and a compass is one of the best practices you can implement in your life. This alone will provide you with a huge ROI.

More on this here:

Fear: The Border Town Between Chaos and Control


5) This is an inside job.

When everything is stripped away, when the decks are all cleared, it’s the space between the ears where our battles are won and lost. Your mindset is key. Invest in this for 2021. It will change your life.

More on this here:

In the Tunnel: The Solitude of Excellence


Here’s to a 2021 with a renewed sense of purpose, passion, and compassion.

Be good to each other.
Be good to yourself.
I’ll see you on the other side.



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